I printed, laminated, cut, and stuck them on the drawers we will be using.
Savanna was excited to put her workbooks in the drawers! She put together their pencil boxes and put them in the bottom drawers. She was begging for us to start today! She is worried that it is going to be hard. Love her heart! I plan to have something in all of Avery's drawers so that if she will have something to do if she is interested. I do not plan to force her to do any of it, but I am sure she will want to tag along with her sister. She has her own curriculum ready to go as well. We will be starting over on hers, as we did 2 weeks of it earlier this year. They will both be doing Heart of Dakota curriculums.
Here is our planner for Unit One. I have pretty much just combined the two teachers manuals into one spreadsheet so I can cross stuff off as we go. :)
Be Blessed, Amber